Thursday 30 July 2020, 9:00-10:30 CET
‘Woman must write herself,’ say Cioux and the Cohens. So we began in right earnest, a cast and crew for a mythopoetic film in cinematic virtual reality (synopsis attached) made up of artists trained in different performance art, martial art and media art traditions and disciplines. Coming from such embodied practice we have to admit that it is becoming a challenge at multiple levels. So do come along to cheer us up and offer your wisdom, as we share some of the ways we have begun improvising on this practice based research.
Join in a presentation of a script that is being produced by Soudhamini (Australia). You can prepare by reading the following materials (see below): a synopsis of the film and a note on the research methods on sustainability.
Sign up to receive the Zoom-link: hospitality.solidarity@gmail.com
1 Cioux, Helene, Keith Cohen and Paula Cohen, ‘The Laugh of the Medusa’, 1976, Signs, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Summer), University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp 875-893.
<- Two readings to prepare
1 A4 Synopsis & 1.5 A4 Research methodology on sustainability