Tuesday 28 July 12:00-13:30 CET and Sunday 2 August 11:30-13:30 CET
The Me and White Supremacy reading circle is aiming at sharing the journey of reading and journaling through Layla F. Saad’s highly recommended book with the same title. The basic idea is that if you want to not just learn about, but be transformed by the anti-racist work, this requires that one takes the personal journey of questioning and challenging ones own pre-set assumptions about the world we share. In this circle we will first meet to just get to know each other. Then we will start with the first chapter and meet to share what came up during the journaling process. This circle starts during the NSU summer session and will continue during the autumn 2020 to with weekly or bi-weekly meetings, until we have finished the book. After this, Anuhya Bobba will continue to lead an anti-racist reading circle which takes on other kinds of educational texts on this same theme. You may join us for reading this one book or the reading circle as a more ongoing project. However, for attending the Me and White supremacy series you need to send us your name and address, so we can order the book in time for the NSU summer session.
Meetings will happen over zoom and later in the autumn also physically in Turku.
No preparations needed and no limit on the amount of participants.