Monday 27 July 2020 9:30 - 11:00 CET (on Zoom)
Sign up by emailing feminist.hospitality@gmail.com to let us know you'll be part of the circle 3 summer session!
If you sign up, you will receive the Zoom-link & the preliminary paper by Inger before the session.
Join for the opening of the circle 3 hospitality & solidarity NSU summer session (on Zoom).
Program of the opening:
- introducing the circle work, NSU and each other!
- introducing the program of the week
- choosing delegates for the NSU General Assembly that takes place during the summer session
(yes, you can be part of the decision making process of NSU!)
- answering questions
- a paper presentation by Inger Nørgård on:
'You get Help, we get Data! Changes within the Registration of Social Help in Private and Public Communities 1890-2015.'
Contact the organisers through hospitality.solidarity@gmail.com to get the link.
Paper Presentation By Inger Nørgård
'You get Help, we get Data! Changes within the Registration of Social Help in Private and Public Communities 1890-2015.'
Personal data and social data are today registered in large amounts. The use of data is highly discussed in western society today. The registration of personal and social data has long roots. This research project will examine how personal and social data has been registered from 1890 till the present day? Why did we become so good to register this data? What are the gender aspects in the registration?
Registration of personal data as well as social data from the public authorities shows us, how the public authorities view the citizens and furthermore what criteria were important for them to get knowledge about. Criterias such as for example the fysical address, the possibility to tax people, insurance relations, social benefits and criminal matters seems important. How were humans seen as ‘attractive’ for the authorities, did it shape them as humans? Which data was concretely registered? Furthermore the data itself has clear gender dimensions.
In the beginning of the examined period the 1890’ties the personal and social data was often registered under the last name of the father of the household or the family. In the late 1960’ties the introduction of the personal unique registration number in Denmark (CPR) meant a kind of change in the registration of personal and social data.
In my preliminary research on this topic it is uncovered that many places in the public authorities the husbands personal registration number was the key where certain personal and social data of the wife was registered until 2007. It seems that the tradition of making the registration of the entire social unit of the family (the husband) was broken as a result of introducing electronic systems and as a specialization of the social field within the public administration.
Inger Lyngdrup Nørgård. Contact information: ingerlyngdrup@gmail.com
- Historian with a minor in gender studies from the University of Aarhus (2009)
- Ph.d. in history from the University of Southern Denmark (2015).
Working at Museum of East Jutland as an archivist. My tasks include writing articles, making exhibitions, collecting and make digital data available for citizens and authorities, give lectures and generally communicate the material we have. I have research time.